Sanctuary Mural 30 by 80 ft.
This Mural is an artistic masterpiece that is being painted by Pastor Frederick Hightower that is very reminiscant of the works of art done by the great Renaissance Masters of old. Pastor Hightower painted it by divine revelation. Its main focus is the Lord Jesus Christ coming in the clouds with the Hands of God splitting open the heavens and the Holy Spirit decending as a dove. The Scripture in the center of the painting is: This Same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so return in like manner... Acts 1:11 And Even so, come Lord Jesus! Rev. 22:20. The painting also depicts beams and waves of glory, living water decending from heaven, the four living creatures of Revelations, the Great cloud of witness'and much more. An illustrated book is being prepared of this miraculous painting. It is one of the largest religious murals done in the nation and all are invited to come and see it in person.